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As a result of the shelling of Nikopol, 4 civilians were injured


Nikopol, Dnіpropetrovsk region

The Russians fired about 30 shells from Grads and heavy artillery at Nikopol. More than 30 multi-storey and private houses were destroyed. In one of the high-rise buildings, 4 apartments were completely destroyed. Men aged 28, 48, 50 and 66 were wounded. Two of them are in the hospital.

The shelling also damaged a school, a pharmacy, an industrial enterprise, a grain elevator, shops and administrative buildings. The power supply network of the water utility pumping station was interrupted. The townspeople were left without water and without electricity.

Victims: 4 wounded.

Source: head of the Dnipropetrovsk OVA Valentin Reznichenko.

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