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Operational situation in the region as of the morning of October 14


Donetsk region

The previous morning, the Russians struck Pokrovsk with Iskanders - 21 people were wounded, 2 administrative buildings and 2 residential high-rise buildings were damaged. Also in the Pokrovskaya community, Dachenskoe was damaged - a farm was damaged.

In the Volnovakha direction, Ugledar and Bogoyavlenko were fired upon - without casualties.

In the Donetsk direction, Avdeevka received rocket attacks, shelling from tanks and artillery - 1 person was wounded. In the Kurakhovskaya community, an infrastructure facility was damaged. In Novoselovka of the First Ocheretinskaya Community, 7 houses were damaged.

In the Gorlovka direction in the Toretsk community, 7 houses were damaged: 6 in New York and 1 in Toretsk. In the Chasovoyarsk community, high-rise buildings and an industrial building were damaged.

In the Lisichansky direction, Seversk, as well as Torskoye and Zarechnoye of the Limansk community are under fire.

In just one day, the Russians wounded 22 residents of Donbass.

Victims: 22 injured

Source: Donetsk OVA

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