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The invaders shelled 12 settlements in the Donetsk region in a day


Avdeevka, Bakhmut, Konstantinovka, Kurakhovo, Donetsk region

Donetsk region is again under fire from the Russian army. The occupiers fired air missiles at the infrastructure of cities.

The enemy hit the cities of Avdeevka, Bakhmut, Konstantinovka, Toretsk, Kurakhovo, the village of Velikaya Novoselka, Kurakhovka, the villages of Vesele, Karlovka, Zakitnoe, Krasnogorovka, Zoryanoe.

The occupiers were hit with aircraft missiles, S-300 air defense systems, Grad RZSV, artillery, tanks.

32 civilian objects were destroyed and damaged - 24 residential buildings, an enterprise, outbuildings, tractors, garage boxes, cars.

Source: Police of Donetsk region

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