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Viacheslav’s mother died in the guy’s arms. Now he is raising four brothers and sisters alone


Verkhnotoretske, Donetsk region

18-year-old Viacheslav lived in Verkhnotoretske of Donetsk region, with his mother Maryna, two younger brothers and two sisters.

They were walking home along the street when two russian shells exploded. Mom died right in front of him. He managed to take the children out, and now he is raising them alone.

The journalists took the details from the guy to help the family.

Yalov Viacheslav Ivanovych

TIN 3797300818

Recipient's bank JSB Ukrhasbank

Bank code 320478

IBAN UA023204780000026206111366213

Purpose: (for the purpose of the transfer to indicate the subaccount number 26206111366213.400101.980)

Card number: 5355 0850 2974 7798

Victims: 1 person died.

Source: Current Time media.

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